Count them. S-E-V-E-N hour interview. In one day. One company. One office. It's coming up this week.
I have two other phone interviews this week. Last week I had three, four, including two face to face. NEVER schedule yourself for two face to face (f2f) in one day.
Only book one interview, be it phone or in person, per day. You just can't shift the focus that fast. You're not in any familiar territory.
Right now, I've got one hiring manager trying to put together a req for a job for me based upon my skills. Another hiring manager who said I was overqualified for his position has shopped my resume around to THREE other managers in the company. I've loved everyone I've met there so far.
I continue to get my best call backs from recruiters who've found me via key words on either dice or cybercoders.
I'm excited about the all day interview. The lineup is seriously intimidating - from a V.P., to "chief data scientist", to CTO... It kind of reminds me of the McCaw days. I've gone back to look at those old McCaw values. There was never any touting of hiring "only the best," but "hire and develop great people." We're all great, in our special ways.
I wrote in my four page essay that got me this seven hour interview, "I'm not the best. I'm only damned good." And really, I am. I've worked with people so much smarter than I am, those who are so very talented. I've enjoyed learning from them.
We took a roadtrip, me 'n Dave 'n our dog named Blue - drove across the mountains to Montana and visited family. Drove north to Sandpoint, Idaho on roads we've never travelled before. We're traveling roads we've never gone down before right now.