Of course, me being me, I've started a project which is Over The Top. I've hand set my piece, "As I Lie Here" for a first edition of hand-crafted cards from Nettlesting Press. There is, of course, finished back to the card and you see the block I'm cutting out for that below. The upper right is the printed front page layout including the hand-pressed proof of the poem.
8 point type... I've gotten good setting type, moving type. Sheesh... There's only going to be 50 cards. The poem is below.
As I Lie Here With You
(inspired by the photograph “As I Lie Here With You” by Elise Koncsek)
As I lie here with you
stretched out against
the length of your warm back, it is the bow
of your ear that I love most in this moment.
Its pink shell illumined by first light guarantees
your heart's beat, but is it more graceful
than the climb of the curve from the back
of your neck to the arc of your shoulder?
Could it be more closely remembered
than the texture of your morning scruff
as it rises stiff and rough on the slope
of your jaw - a promised scrape which
redden my cheeks for hours after the first
of your kisses?
Morning awaits - a grey,
indistinct door before us. You will wake,
stand, walk toward the light, away
from me buried in my mourning.
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