Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I'm too embarrassed

to ask for recommendations / forward my resume to companies - except on rare occasions.  I continue to futz it up.  I think I've only successfully done it twice.  One forward got me a number of job interviews, the other one got me a great informational interview.  It's almost worse than asking people to link with on LinkedIn or for a recommendation.  Those are the Top 3  worst parts of the painful process of job hunting.

Part of the NOT painful process of job hunting - going out to lunch at Marination Ma Kai on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon in Seattle and taking the obligatory skyline shot.

That said, I just finished writing a two page essay / cover letter for a  "dream job" entry for a company I'm interested in.  I've applied before, got turned down.  This time, I'm applying for the position of :

Have a better idea?
These job listings are incomplete. If you don’t see your specialty listed here, but you have years of professional experience, are really talented at what you do, and possess a skillset that would help us create better products and experiences for our customers, apply on the form below. We are happy to be convinced that we need a molecular biologist or a mathematician or an ironworker, but the onus is on you to do so.


  1. Person who knows everything about something and something about everything!

  2. Person who knows everything about something and something about everything!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
